April 30, 2012

Vintage writing desk

Happy Monday everyone!

Today, Ryan had off so I decided to take a random day off with him so we could get some things done around the house...to help work towardss our move! We got our TMO (Traffic Management Office) scheduled...and can I say that I am am worry wart and am already worrying about it! I don't think I'll ever stop worrying... this is our 4th move in 5 years... thank you Uncle Sam. And no, I'm not being sarcastic :) It has been fun seeing Europe and moving from place to place but we are both ready to settle for a few years. We are guaranteed to stay at Patrick AFB in Florida for at least 24 months. Have I mentioned how much I cannot wait to move there and start fresh? Now, to just find a job to support this furntiure habit ;)

Ok! So... I scored this vintage desk off our base yardsale...but let me tell you, she needed work. One of the side panels was practically coming off! One of the drawers would not close right and the front  was coming off of it as well. And on top of those few things...she was not in the best shape surface wise. So, she got sanded, primed and re-newed. And here she is... in her best dress ;)

Here's a before shot. I wish I would have taken an up close and personal one...the top especially was in rough shape. Lots of nicks and scratches but nothing that my handy dandy sander won't fix. And some elbow grease and the gun show.

Here's the after. AHHH...doesn't that just make you wanna take a sigh of relief?

I love the contrast of the deep walnut stain on top. And of course, distressing makes me swoon over any piece of furniture ;) Swoooonn = drooling uncontrollably ;)

Here's a peek in the top drawer. I was going to get new knobs but I actually like the contrast between the faded white and the wooden knobs. I think it keeps it's character this way.

What do y'all think of her? I think she is just beautiful and she is now available in my shop on Facebook here. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for new furntiure coming into the shop! I do have a few pieces left that I will be posting before we leave!

Be sure to tell your friends about "Home by Ally." I certainly do appreciate all the support.

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