May 31, 2012

Things to love and hate

Everyday I am... beyond critical of myself. What woman isn't?


I hate my legs. Like loathe. I wish I had little stick legs.
I wish I had a chest. Maybe one day, I'll buy one.
I get mistaken for a 12 year old girl at least once a week.
I wish my hair was longer.
I wish I would tip less for crappy service.
I wish I had more confidence.
I wish I was smarter. I would love to be a doctor and help people. Not smart enough.
I wish that I had my degree. I felt stupid not having it.
I wish we didn't have hair anywhere but on our heads. I hate shaving.
I wish I could be "sexy" but I am entirely too corny and cheesy to be sexy.
I wish I didn't care what other people thought of me.
I wish I wasn't so closed off to new friends.
I wish my few best friends lived with me everywhere we go.
I wish my dogs could talk.
I wish people could drive. And park.
I actually am confident in style and what looks good. Too bad I don't think it looks good on me.
I hate that I compare myself to others, constantly.
I hate that I "wish" so much.
I hate that I'm not good enough or at least make myself feel that way.
I hate that I can't save every animal in the world.
I hate that I am a light weight.
I hate that I have to have everything matching.
I hate that people speed. And text while driving.
I hate anything scary. I live in a bubble.
I constantly compare my photography to others.
I hate that money doesn't grow on trees.
I wish running came easy to me.
I am extremely insecure.
I am very self conscious of my teeth... my chest... and my skin color. (pale)
I hate that I want an Equinox. I feel selfish because my husband wants a Tacoma just as bad.
I hate that I want so much.....

I bet you are thinking.... are you done? NO!

Here's to lighten the mood. I have found that this helps... to say all the things that you hate and replace them with things you love. So here goes. And ps, you should try this and be amazed at how many great things you'll find about yourself.

I am a giver. I will help anyone in anyway that I can.
I am a lover. I have a big heart but I am scared to get hurt.
I am a fast typer.
I have nice arms.
I can walk and see and hear and taste. That in itself is a blessing.
I respect my husband's job. I drive the speed limit.
I treat my dogs better than most people treat their kids.
I love decorating and redoing furniture.
I am creative. I can see the beauty in anything.
I am cheap. And yes, that is a good trait. Maybe not cheap, practical.
I have really long eye lashes and they are so pretty with mascara on. But blonde without :\
I love doing things for people without them ever finding out who did it.
I love yardsales and thrift stores.
I have piggie toes.
I love that I am southern.
I love that I hold values and morals.
I love older people, like the elderly.
I love that if I don't know about something, I will research until I do.
I know alittle about a lot.
I love that I can make people laugh. Sometimes.
I love that my husband is my best friend.
I love that I have the most supportive and loving family in the world....

You see... it's not about deadlines or who is prettiest. It's not about how much we make or what kind of car we drive... it's about the ride. Hearing your dogs chase each other and seeing your husband smile. It's about holding a baby for the first time and the feeling of making a house a home.....

I'm being sappy tonight y'all but I really need to decompress. I've been over the top stressed with this move and quitting my job while trying to find another one...
I am a worrier wart and I stress to the max...
but that's not what life is about. There are more important things.

May 20, 2012

Waterfall dresser redo

Hey y'all! I hope everyone's Sunday has gone great. Mine has! I've been SUPER DUPER productive... with getting our house on base here in Minot ready for inspection and ready for us to move! SUPER BUSY with painting a few rooms back to white which let me tell you, I actually like BETTER than the colors I had originally painted. Leave it to me.

Ok! So... I found this dresser about a month or so ago and KNEW it was old the minute I saw it. It's a waterfall dresser! This particular one was marked on that it was made in the 1930's! How cool is that? It has tons of character...and wasn't perfect before hand but I think now, he would be ADORABLE for a babies room or even a neutral bedroom?

I choose probably the most pale yellow that I could find that I also used on my last desk redo here.

I opted to keep the originally knobs because I think it keeps with the dressers character. I didn't want to do a bold color because I felt like it would impower the lines of this piece.

What do y'all think? Here's a BEFORE and then the AFTER's :)

This dresser is for sale in my shop, here.

This is the only before picture that I took. This was after some sanding of the piece because it was in pretty rough shape...with lots of scratches, etc. that needed to be smooted out.

And here's the AFTER. Isn't she lovely? I just think she's a breathe of fresh air and would look so adorable in a nursery for some reason.

Let me know what you think of my latest repurposed piece. I love her and I think she'd look great in anyone's home! 35 days until we leave good ole' Minot, North Dakota and start our new journey to Florida.... :)

May 8, 2012

Stew's Custom tables

Hey Tuesday, how's it shakin?

Let me tell you about some dedication to y'all. I'm on my lunch break right now bloggin'. HOLLER.

Ha-ha! Ok seriously! This post is about a dear friend and colleague of mine who wanted a new coffee table and end table set. We looked for awhile for her and finally found a set that needed some work but had good bones.

Here's a before picture of the end tables and the coffee table...I always forget to take good before pictures but this is the best I can do. Sorry everyone :-o Haha!

Here's the coffee table. I was in the process of sanding it and then made hubby bring it in so I could get a better picture :) He must love me, huh? Haha!

Here's the after. She got a deep stain on top with a pale yellow on the bottom with slightly distressed details. I LOVE the way it turned out!

Isn't the stain beautiful? And the distressed detail really pops against the pale yellow!

This stain is SO SO SO pretty, I can't even tell you. It's actually darker in person and not as reddish. BEAUTIFUL.

Here's the corners of the end tables.

I love how the glass is that tinted blue in the right light. It plays well with the deep stain and the pale yellow.

And here's another picture of the distressed detailing.

What do y'all think of this custom makeover? She made some great choices and I hope she feels just as I do that these were well worth the wait! Thank you again Stew for allowing me to customize your pieces of furniture! They are truly one of a kind and it was a privledge to have you as my last custom client in Minot, North Dakota!

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