September 27, 2011

And again...the darn end tables...

I'm posting a follow up to yesterday's post about my darn end tables. I knew I really didn't have the courage to get rid of such great I did something different.

I stained over the what I did. I lightly wiped stain all over the bottom of each end table...let it sit for about a minute and then wiped clean to show a very like, rustic brown...that surprisingly I don't know yet if I hate... I'm ok with. Here's a peek! Let me know what you think! Of course, I'm going to let them sit a few days and will end up distressing them more on the bottoms to give them an even older feel...

Thanks for listening ladies & gents:) I start my new job tomorrow, wish me luck...because I'm super nervous! Butterflies are doing flips in my stomach...eeekkk.

Love Always,
XOXO Mrs. Schmidheiser

September 26, 2011

Wood grain & contrast

Some of you may know that I have been having the HARDEST  some difficulty with getting my living room the way I wanted. I scored these end tables at a yardsale for a great price and first, painted them white. I hated that the white clashed with all the different wood tones I had in my living room....

I really think that they are super cute like this...however...have you ever seen my tv stand? I love LURVE times infinity and I find it SO SO SO SO DIFFICULT to match... :( Sad panda.

So I thought, why don't I stain the top of the end tables to match the top of the tv stand? Or try to get end tables that match the stain all together? Tried both. Fail. Epic fail.
So what to do batman? I'd love to hear your input...because right now, I'm just fed up:( Sad panda, again. The color of the tv stands bottom is a greenish blue and distressed....loveee..but hate this dilemma I am in. I am a white person. I like white furniture, ask my husband. He says "I like white too much." Haha. I hope you all are having a fabulous night! And two posts in one night, shewwww get it girl! Goodnight everyone and have a great day tomorrow! :)

Did you think I forgot to include the new end tables? No... of course not:) Here ya go!

Not the best picture but you get the idea! I don't have my big ole' mac of a camera right now so only my point & shoot will have to do for the next months! :)
& PS.
Happy Fall Y'all <3
Love Always,
Mrs. Schmidheiser

September 23, 2011

Bringing new life to this old chair.

One of my favorite things to bring new life to is chairs! I am a firm believer if you have a corner, you better have a chair to put there ;) For one, it allows more seating but two, you can always switch the paint color to go with anything, bring new life through fabric, etc!
I always forget to take "before" pictures because I am too excited to start working on new projects so here she is in all her glory. She was almost falling apart when I bought her but I liked that about the chair, it brought charm through all the cracks, etc.
If you are a fan on my facebook page or on my personal facebook page you know that we were presented with a blessing yesterday! I have been trying to find a good job here in North Dakota for sometime now to occupy my boredom since hubby works super long hours. I got the call two days ago asking if I would be interested and now I am proud to say that I am the
"Facilities Assistant Manager"
at Minot AFB hospital. Woo! Big girl job ;)
Anyways, hope you are all doing swell and have I mentioned that I can't wait for Christmas! Like I said before, here's a picture of the chair! Let me know what you think and as always, thanks for stopping by!

I am for sale:) Please inquire or visit my Facebook page. (Here)

Love always,
Mrs. Schmidheiser

September 11, 2011

Brighten up!

I found this headboard at a local thrift store whenever we first moved into our house here. I thought the bones of the headboard were cute and I could surely do something with it.
Here's the BEFORE:

Secretly, I've been piling up any pillows I had just to hide this hideous project that I hadn't finished!

But look at her AFTER:
I am so thrilled but the funny thing is, she is actually going to be for sale at my next re-do sale! :) I found a new headboard that I can't wait to show you! Let me know what you all think!

Mrs. Schmidheiser XOXO

September 8, 2011

Evolution of a coffee table

I scored this coffee table for a great price at a sale! It definitely needed some love on the top and the legs were wobbly. Nothing an allen wrench and some elbow grease and stain won't fix.

7 peices of sand paper later. (That's a lot, FYI.) Here she is:)

 And here is her before.....

 Look at that pretty grain!!!

Hope you all enjoyed this post:)

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