October 9, 2011

Feeling brighter & whiter.

Hey everyone!

So...guess what? Today is Saturday...so I had the day and Ryan actually had to work:( We were supposed to head to Bismarck but merh, this always happens! Hopefully we can go tomorrow! So...long story short, I'm sitting on the couch just relaxing and wondering what I'm going to do for the day...so I started doing some chores, cleaned the kitchen...got all the clothes downstairs to be washed and I walk into our bedroom and just kinda stare at our bedroom set. Here's a picture of what I saw.

BORING. So boring and SO not me. Too much wood for my taste....so I started on something I've been secretly planning and hoping a little painting fairy would do for me since Ryan and I got married! Giving OUR bedroom set a new life...


So, I started small with our nightstand...you can see the original up there ^ but here's the new and improved...and I am in LURVE.

Isn't she beautiful? I can't wait to get the rest done! It's going to brighten up the room so much and I have so many plans for our room now! It has been just placed on the back burner for some time now because it's just a place we "sleep" and we're the "only" ones that go in there. WRONG.

A master should be a place you and your husband can relax...forget about the day and soak in each other. Be comfortable and soothed as soon as you walk in...Haha, I'm aiming for something like it ;)

Let me know what y'all think!

Love Always,
Mrs. Schmidheiser


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