July 1, 2012


Hello y'all! We made it to North Carolina! YIPPEEEEE!! It was a "special" trip to say the least with two people trying to run me off the road :( So if anyone is traveling soon, safe travels because people can't drive! HAHA!

But seriously, I was so excited the whole trip to give these pretties away from A Pretty Shoppe. You can find her shop here. and her Facebook page here.

Here were the giveaway items! SOOOO CUTE. I LOVE A Pretty Shoppe and have SO MANY of these pretties of my own!!! So are you ready for the winner????

Miriam Quarterman out of Minot AFB is the winner! If Miriam could message Kirah through A Pretty Shoppe's FB page, she will get you your pretties!! Thanks to everyone who participated!!

1 comment:

  1. I got them today! They're even prettier in person! Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway! <3


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