September 23, 2011

Bringing new life to this old chair.

One of my favorite things to bring new life to is chairs! I am a firm believer if you have a corner, you better have a chair to put there ;) For one, it allows more seating but two, you can always switch the paint color to go with anything, bring new life through fabric, etc!
I always forget to take "before" pictures because I am too excited to start working on new projects so here she is in all her glory. She was almost falling apart when I bought her but I liked that about the chair, it brought charm through all the cracks, etc.
If you are a fan on my facebook page or on my personal facebook page you know that we were presented with a blessing yesterday! I have been trying to find a good job here in North Dakota for sometime now to occupy my boredom since hubby works super long hours. I got the call two days ago asking if I would be interested and now I am proud to say that I am the
"Facilities Assistant Manager"
at Minot AFB hospital. Woo! Big girl job ;)
Anyways, hope you are all doing swell and have I mentioned that I can't wait for Christmas! Like I said before, here's a picture of the chair! Let me know what you think and as always, thanks for stopping by!

I am for sale:) Please inquire or visit my Facebook page. (Here)

Love always,
Mrs. Schmidheiser

1 comment:

  1. Love the fabric!! You did an amazing job on this. Im a firm believer too for chairs in every corner :)


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