June 21, 2012

Giveaway from A Pretty Shoppe!

Home by Ally 
is now hosting a giveaway from 
"A Pretty Shoppe!" 

You can find "A Pretty Shoppe" actually shop online here. 

"A Pretty Shoppe"
 has been nice enough to host a giveaway to ONE lucky winner to receive a custom pair of earrings AND a custom set of bobby pins made with love especially for you! How awesome is she?

Here's some background for you on A Pretty Shoppe from Kirah, the owner.

Me: How did A Pretty Shoppe begin?

A Pretty Shoppe came about after lots of wishing, dreaming, and praying. I established A Pretty Shoppe after Mr. Handsome and I lost our first child in January 2011. I knew through the grief, I needed to put my energy and emotions into something so I started creating & healing. After a lot of prayer and encouragement from family and 
friends, A Pretty Shoppe was born, as my creating and healing became a passion & love.

Me: What do you enjoy most about your shoppe?

The thing I enjoy most about my shoppe is making pretty things! – how FUN is that!? It’s amazing! I spend hours a day looking for inspiration, reading magazines & books, praying, listening to music, etc. And then I go to my pretty studio and start making my dreams and ideas come to life. I also love all the sweet notes and comments I get from my customers - they encourage me and remind me why I make pretty things. 

Me: What are four random things you want us to know?

1. I am slightly addicted to Sweet Tea. {I drink it daily.}
2. I wanted to be a Librarian when I grew up. I love books! In fact, I would line my dolls up along the wall and glue library cards on the inside of my books and check books out to my dolls.{I never thought I would own my own company.}
3. When I was little I used to tell people I was related to the founder of the Campbell’s Soup Co. because my last name is Campbell. {I know, I know, lying isn’t good – I was like 5, gimme a break.}
4. Giggle is my favorite word. How can you not giggle when hear & say it?

Me: Where do you see yourself & your business in 10 years?

For myself- I want to continue to grow in my walk with God. After that, I want to be a good wife to my Mr. Handsome, and a mom to a healthy, happy child {or 2 or 3}. I want to watch my children grow up, I want to be an example to my children of what walking with God and following your dreams looks like.For my business – I hope & pray that my shoppe will continue to flourish just as my family will flourish.

Me: What are some of your favorite handmade shops?

My favorite handmade shops are:
Jumping Jax Designs www.jumpingjaxdesigns.com
JessicaNdesigns http://www.etsy.com/shop/jessicandesigns{isn’t her stuff gorgeous?!}
Love Stitched http://www.etsy.com/shop/lovestitched

Me: If you could give one powerful piece of advice to someone trying to start a business, what would it be?
BE YOURSELF! There’s a quote that I absolutely love and I think it is so important for new & existing business owners to remember. 
I have a framed copy of this quote on my desk and I see it daily. It is a constant reminder to be myself.

“Today you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive who is youer than you!” – Dr. Seuss

Isn't she awesome?

Here's some earrings out of "A Pretty Shoppe." Are they not the prettiest things you have ever seen? I LOVE this shop and all it has to offer! I personally have orders COUNTLESS numbers of pretties and have loved every single pair! Kirah, the owner of "A Pretty Shoppe" makes these pretties by hand. There are so many colors that can match so many fabulous outfits! The possibilities are endless!

(Photo credit to Evie & Jr. Photography)

Look at how cute this ring is! I am so in LOVE with everything that this shoppe makes! 

(Photo Credit to Christina Block Photography)

Can this stuff get any more cute? And her prices are amazing! I have absolutely no complaints! 
You'll just keep coming back for more! Look at these cute bobby pins with the flower accents. How cute would these be on a little girl or even as an accent in your hair for date night? Like I said before, the possibilities are endless!

(Photo Credit to Christina Block Photography)

I love these deep blue earrings. They are so classy and elegant.

Isn't the packaging cute too?

Ok! So are you excited yet?
 "A Pretty Shoppe
will be giving away to ONE lucky winner a FREE pair of pretty earrings as well as a FREE set of hair pretties (bobby pin pretties)  shown below!

This is a great giveaway and I hope y'all share this with you and yours! Kirah is one talented girl over at "A Pretty Shoppe" and I am so honored that she is hosting a giveaway  Thank you so much Kirah!

Here’s how to enter the GIVEAWAY:

1. LIKE Home by Ally on Facebook (Leave a comment here on the blog that you did so) = 1 Entry

2. LIKE A Pretty Shoppe on Facebook (leave a comment here on the blog that you did so) = 1 Entry

3. Leave a comment on Home by Ally's wall letting her know that you're a new fan from A Pretty Shoppe = 1 Entry

4. Leave a comment on A Pretty Shoppe’s wall letting her know you’re a new fan from 
Home By Ally = 1 Entry

5. Share the giveaway on Facebook using the following (leave a comment here that you did so):
“I would love to win PRETTIES from @a pretty shoppe over at @Home By Ally!” = 1 Entry

6. Tweet the following with a link to this post:
“I would love to win PRETTIES from @aprettyshoppe over at @Home By Ally!” = 1 Entry

That's it! Get to sharing! Contest is LIVE now! Contest ends Friday, June 29th at 9:00pm central time!


  1. I already "like" Home By Ally on fb!! :)

  2. Soo excited! I am completely in love with A Pretty Shoppe. Seriously starting a collection! <3

  3. Liked A Pretty Shoppe on Facebook. -Chelsea Guerrero

  4. Shared the giveaway on facebook. -Chelsea Guerrero

  5. I "Like" Home by Ally, I "like" a pretty shoppe, and I shared the giveaway :)

  6. Hmmm, My comment didn't post yesterday :( I did, 1,2,4 & 5 :)

  7. Liked A pretty shoppe on Fb toooo!!

  8. And just in case you don't see them, I commented on both your page and A Pretty Shoppes! :) So 4 entries I think? Awesome giveaway girl!


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