September 8, 2012

Desk Redo

Hey y'all!

I hope everyone is doing great. I am SOOOOO happy it's the weekend! Not that I have a job or need a day off or anything haha! But I have really been working hard today and being productive on trying to get a few of my projects done. One of them was this vintage desk an old friend from Minot had given me. It was originally a very pretty and rustic stained wood color and I painted it aqua and heavily distressed it. I got sick of aqua pretty quick and have been meaning to paint it.

So, I'v been experimenting with new methods of painting for different looks and outcomes, etc. In this particular project, I sanded down about 85% of the piece but I left some of the aqua on the wood. As you can see in the picture below, I started staining using "English Chesnut" in MinWax Wood Stain. I stained the bare wood sections and wiped over with a cloth the aqua sections so it would really give it an antiqued look. I usually LOVE to paint everything white and don't get me wrong... I actually wanted  to paint this piece white but I need some pieces to break up all the white.

I don't ever remember to take a BEFORE picture. My bad. I have one of my other computer I'm sure but this couch is so comfy.

So here it is in our new home. The aqua color actually looks like a really antique white now since I wiped stain over it and let it sit for about 3-5 minutes to let it soak in. The rest is the "English Chesnut" stain on top of bare wood. I want to get some vintage knobs to replace the little wood ones but I still like it for now.

Here's a close up. It has a lot of wear and tear but that just adds to the character. Why would you want to sand it out?!

I'm really happy with how it turned out. Above is a semi- before and after. What do you think?

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